4 March 2014


This weekend was one I'd been looking forward to for ages. I had that 'nothing can stop me now' feeling all week, that is, until I saw the size of the plane I was about to get on. It was tiny. And it sounded more like a car than a plane. But hey, as long as the car with wings could get me safely to Birmingham I didn't really care.

Three hours later I was standing on Reubs' doorstep. I was feeling slightly apprehensive. He was presumably feeling just as normal, mostly because he had no idea I was visiting. Fortunately he was pleased (but confused) to see me. And he promises that he genuinely had no idea.

It wasn't just him that found the whole experience confusing. I found it really strange to be back at Warwick as it felt like I'd never left. It was more like I'd been home for the weekend than been in Germany for six months. Maybe that's not such a bad thing though. I'd been a bit nervous about seeing everyone, having had relatively little contact with them for the last few months, so it was a relief to find that nothing had changed.

One evening ten of us headed to the Phantom Coach for Reubs' 21st birthday (it's almost like I planned it...), where we practically had a feast... there may have been some discount vouchers involved. Although more food was definitely not required, we then had birthday cakes complete with an amazing firework candle thing. It was a lovely evening.

Other than the meal, I spent most of my time walking around campus or at Curiositea. I love the Warwick campus, as you are straight onto open fields and woodland, and as anyone who regularly reads my blog will know I do like walking. I surprised myself with how happy I felt wandering around uni. I went to the library, the learning grid, the humanities building... all the places that usually mean studying. I'm not ready to go back just yet but I do like my university.
Warwick Uni // Canley // Warwick SU
My other favourite thing about Warwick is possibly Curiositea, a really cute coffee shop in the SU. It's beautifully vintage style, with teapots and bunting everywhere. I had my favourite Vanilla Velvet (latte with vanilla syrup and whipped cream) and a slice of red velvet fudge cake. So amazing we went twice.
The weekend vanished. When I was back at Warwick it felt like I'd never left, but sitting in Bad Salzdetfurth it now feels like I've never been. It was so nice to see everyone (well nearly everyone) again and have a good catch up. Whilst it might have been the most surreal weekend, at least I have supplies of mini eggs and bournville to get me through the next two months.

So thank you to Alex, Anna, Brendz, Catherine, Georgia, Hazel, James, Mike, Rach and Reubs for a brilliant weekend. It was amazing to see you all (running out of adjectives). Good luck with the exams/dissertations/projects/life in general!

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